Monday, February 8, 2010

Point Thomson Success

ExxonMobil Reaches Target Depth at First Point Thomson Well.

Plan the work, work the plan - What's not to love about this news? Politicians be damned. This team has a plan to develop the gas that will fill the pipeline.

From the Press Release: ExxonMobil drilled the well to a measured depth of over 16,000 feet. The shore-based rig directionally drilled under the Beaufort Sea to the targeted gas reservoir more than 1.5 miles offshore.

“This is another successful milestone for the Point Thomson project,” said Dale Pittman, ExxonMobil Alaska production manager.

ExxonMobil Senior Project Manager Lee Bruce added, “PTU-15 pushed the limits of drilling technology and demonstrated that the Point Thomson drilling plan is sound.”

The rig will be moved to the second development well at Point Thomson (PTU-16) and continue drilling. Work continues on front-end engineering and design for the initial production system.


T said...

Wondered when you took that pic or who you got it from? have you been on the ground there yet. would love to meet you. stop in and say hi next time you're out that way...

AK Engineer said...

I took the picture on a windy day on the GMD site near Delta Junction. The picture kinda says it all - the flags ripping in a 50 mph wind on an old 4x4.

I was boots on the ground in Delta for 5 years during the contruction of the GMD site.

I'd be happy to say a howdy but I'm working outside for the foreseeable future - hence my desire to get back and work on the gas line before I get too old.

T said...

Hey again. I meant that pic of Pt Thomson. When did you take it or did someone take it for you? I took some pretty impressive aerials last fall. I'll see if i can share them with you.

AK Engineer said...

Pt Thomson Photo: I got that off of the Business Wire website- It's share-able: