Sunday, May 25, 2008

Former Governor Endorses All-Alaska Gas Pipeline

Not every Alaskan is in lock step with Sarah Palin's approval of the TransCanada Alaska Gas Pipeline proposal (or "TC" as she calls it).

Former Republican Alaska Governor, and one time Palin supporter Walter Hickel had wrote this commentary advocating an All Alaska, All American gas line. He says it makes sense.

Hickel is focused on the idea of selling the Alaska LNG to China, but the reasoning and economics are sound regardless of who buys the LNG.

At a minimum an All Alaska, All American gas line would not hinge on approval by a foreign government. At the moment the Canadians are having a hard time getting their own arctic gas line approved and built (Mackenzie Pipeline Delays article link).

Palin is big on touting the commitments embedded in the TransCANADA proposal, but TransCANADA can't commit the Canadian Government to approve the pipeline.

Here's a link to Halcro's dissection of Sarah Palin's (SP) Plan.

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