Reuters reports: "New studies into the field's geology show that immediate shipments of the natural gas would waste what could be a huge oil field,"
Reserve Estimates:
In-place reserves - 490 million to 600 million barrels of natural gas liquids
580 million to 950 million barrels of oil.
In-place natural gas 8.5 trillion to 10.4 trillion cubic feet
Compare that to North Slope proven reserves of 35 trillion cubic feet.
According to the consultant (Anil Chopra of PetroTel), the best use of Point Thomson's hydrocarbons would be to produce the liquids for about 20 years before starting to send the natural gas into a yet-to-be-built pipeline.
I'd be curious to know how this squares with ExxonMobil's opinion of the Point Thomson field.
Meanwhile - It's back to court before 15 June for the next phase in the State of Alaska vs. ExxonMobil Point Thomson story.