Tuesday, April 30, 2013

RFP 2013-1000-1881 North Slope Royalty Gas Study

Another study is in the works. LINK

Screenshots of the good bits:

I'm not sure how to interpret this.  It could mean the state or other parties want an equity share in the project.  It will give the State another study to point at.   As time passes I'm beginning to join the "never gonna happen" camp.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Seriously, this is a "project progress report"?


The report reads like a project close out report - all done.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Know Your Competition

The progress and possibilities of American LNG projects have been neatly summarized in a competitive bracket format (Article Link), (Bracket PDF Link).

There are no Western Canadian projects on the bracket, but Alaska's Gas Pipeline / LNG project is listed as a wildcard.

It's a good summary and informative in terms of the projects that are competing for LNG investment dollars.

Spoiler alert - Alaska may not be winning!