I've had some time to scan through the "APP" (Alaska Pipeline Project) open season documents and here are a few first impressions:
- In Service Date: 2020 - Hey I'll be SIXTY! OMG I'll be SIXTY!
- Cost to move gas to Alberta: $2.43-$3.13/MMBTU
- Cost to move gas to Valdez: $2.22-$2.89/MMBTU
- Point Thomson is a vital part of the overall project
Anybody want to take a stab at the cost of the LNG plant? My quick calculation say the LNG plant would have a capacity of 18 million tons per year LNG and cost $31 Billion. Somebody check my math. We really need a good cost estimate of the LNG plant to compare the options.
Here's some images from the document showing the pipeline options and capacities:

Assorted headlines:
EDMONTON JOURNAL:Alaska gas could bypass Alberta Option would send fuel to Valdez
UPI TransCanada details Alaskan pipeline plan
GLOBE AND MAIL: TransCanada seeks Alaska project commitments
OIL & GAS JOURNAL: Alaska Pipeline Project files open season plan
REUTERS: Exxon, TransCanada raise Alaska pipeline estimates